About Me

Emerging Non-Profit Organization in Orange County

Families Inspiring Reentry & Reunification 4 Everyone (FIR4E) is a nonprofit organization deeply committed to assisting individuals who are transitioning out of jails in Orange County, California. Our primary purpose is to provide a safe haven for people experiencing temporary displacement and homelessness after leaving jail. We offer more than just shelter; we provide a comprehensive range of support services to facilitate their journey towards achieving permanent and independent living situations.

Our dedicated team is committed to addressing the immediate needs of our clients. We ensure that they have access to basic necessities such as shelter, food, and clothing. However, our mission extends beyond mere provision. Through our programs and initiatives, we assist and support our clients in their transition, helping them obtain employment and valuable skills to regain stability and rebuild their lives.

We strongly believe in the significance of family reunification. We offer family reunification services to help individuals reconnect with their loved ones. Additionally, we provide advocacy and policy initiatives, working towards systemic changes that reduce barriers and promote successful reentry for all. Legal support is also a critical aspect of our work. We offer pro bono legal representation, ensuring that individuals have access to the legal guidance and representation they need to navigate various legal proceedings and overcome obstacles that may arise.

Moreover, at FIR4E, we recognize the importance of addressing trauma and fostering coping mechanisms. Through life skill-building programs, education and housing stability initiatives, educational guidance, career development opportunities, and holistic health programs, we equip our clients with the tools to heal, grow, and thrive.

Located in Santa Ana, our organization serves the community of Orange County, California. We strive to create an environment of comfort and support that goes beyond what is commonly available elsewhere. With the latest advancements in social services and access to additional resources, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive and effective assistance to those we serve. 


If you or someone you know can benefit from our services, please reach out to us at (657) 262-0070. Together, we can empower individuals, rebuild lives, and foster a brighter future for our community.
